Electrical Connection: If the electricity connection is cut then how to get the connection again, know how much is the fee?

Electrical Connection: If the electricity connection is cut then how to get the connection again, know how much is the fee?

Electrical Connection: In today’s time, electricity has become very essential for every work. Many devices used every day run with the help of electricity. Nowadays we use many electrical appliances even in household things.

Like fridge cooler, AC, fan etc. It is almost impossible to live without electricity even for a day. We need electricity very much for our daily life, however in return we have to pay the bill for it. But if you do not pay the electricity bill on time. So your electricity connection can also be disconnected by the electricity department.

If once your electricity connection is disconnected and you want to get the connection connected again, you have to pay a charge for it. Because your electricity connection has been disconnected due to non-payment of bills. Therefore, you will be given connection again only after visiting your electricity department and depositing the outstanding bill. For this you will have to go to your electricity department and deposit the old outstanding bill. Besides, you also have to pay defaulter charge. Which ranges between ₹500 to ₹1000. However, this charge may vary in different states.

But if you have paid your bill on time and even then your electricity connection is disconnected, then you can go to the electricity department and complain about this. After which the electricity department will confirm why your connection has been disconnected. After this you will be given electricity connection again. At the same time, online facility is also available in many states to reconnect the electricity connection. Where you can apply online and request to have your connection reconnected.

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Ashok Kumar Gupta
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