World Biggest Dam: This is the world’s biggest dam – which has reduced the speed of rotation of the earth…..

World Biggest Dam: This is the world's biggest dam - which has reduced the speed of rotation of the earth…..

World Biggest Dam: After 18 years of hard work, the world’s biggest dam was completed in China. Which is known as the largest dam in the world. Its name is Three Gorges Dam. You too must have heard the name of this dam somewhere. Not only this, such questions are asked in the examination paper of Journal Knowledge in various competitive exams. But do you know that due to this dam, the movement of the earth was hindered? Let us know why.

Actually, this dam has been built with a length of 2.3 kilometers, 115 meters wide and 150 meters height. The water collected in this dam is so helpful that many small towns and villages live in electric light due to it. It is said that this dam generates 22400 MW electricity.

How did the Earth’s speed stop?

Let us tell you that 463,000 tonnes of steel has been used for the construction of this dam. According to media reports, there is so much water collected in this dam that due to this the Earth is not able to rotate properly because a decline in both time and obstruction was seen. Regarding this matter, it was estimated that due to interruption in the movement of the Earth, the speed has increased by 0.06 micro seconds every day.

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Ashok Kumar Gupta
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