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What is meant by departmentation. How many types are of it ?

Meaning and Definition of Departmentalization- Meaning and Definition of The process of dividing the activities of a business enterprise into different categories is called departmentalisation. Under departmentalization, any main work is divided into smaller sub-tasks. Under departmentalisation, considering the nature...
Delegation of Authority

Authority can be delegated but responsiblility cannot be delegated. Explain ?

Meaning and Definition of Delegation of Authority In the present era, the nature of business has become very elaborate and complex and it is not possible for a single person to take care and control the processes of understanding. That...
Business Concept

Business Concept ?

Business Concept The British Empire began to take roots in India in the mid 18th century. The east India company used revenues generated by our provinces for purchasing raw materials, spices and goods. This lead to stop of inflow...

Major Trade Centres & Exports and Imports.

1.2 Rise of Intermediaries Intermediaries played a very important role in promotion of trade. It includes: Commission Agents, brokers, distributors for wholesale and retail trade They helped in expanding trade and brought in huge amount of silver bullion into Asis...

Foundations of business | Trade and commerce

1. HISTORY OF TRADE AND COMMERCE India has Himalayas in the north, bordered by water in south India got connected to adjoining foreign countries through the network of roads leading to Silk Route. The maritime routes linked the cast and...

what is electric Bicycles

What are electric bicycles? When someone hears electric bicycle, the first image they imagine may be a scooter or electric motorcycle - but they actually look pretty different. Just picture a regular bicycle, then add several electrical components to it like...


