dale carpenter kennedy In a stunning revelation, previously unseen footage has surfaced, showcasing the moments immediately following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. This newly discovered video, captured by Texas businessman Dale Carpenter Sr., provides a rare and poignant glimpse into the aftermath of one of the most significant events in American history.

The Footage: A Glimpse Into History

Dale Carpenter Sr., who had initially set out to catch a glimpse of President Kennedy on Lemmon Avenue in Dallas, missed the motorcade by mere seconds. Undeterred, Carpenter continued to Stemmons Freeway, where he recorded footage of the president’s motorcade speeding down the road shortly after the fatal shots were fired.

The footage reveals a somber scene as Jacqueline Kennedy is visible in the back seat of the car, her presence marking a haunting reminder of the tragic day. The video captures the chaotic and emotional aftermath of the assassination, offering a new perspective on the events that unfolded.

Upcoming Auction

This significant piece of history will be made available to the public when RR Auction offers it up in Boston on September 28. The auction presents a rare opportunity for collectors, historians, and enthusiasts to own a tangible piece of one of the most pivotal moments in modern history.

Historical Context

The assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas was a pivotal moment in American history, with widespread implications for the nation and the world. The discovery of this footage adds another layer to our understanding of the events that transpired, offering a raw and unfiltered view of the immediate aftermath.


The newly uncovered footage of the moments after JFK’s assassination provides a valuable and emotional addition to the historical record. As the auction date approaches, this rare video will undoubtedly attract significant interest from those eager to explore and preserve the legacy of President Kennedy’s tragic assassination.

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