mega millions jackpot lottery numbers The Powerball jackpot has increased to a staggering $112 million for the upcoming drawing on Saturday, September 7, 2024, following a no-winner scenario in the latest draw on September 4. While the grand prize eluded players, there were still plenty of winners across the state of Ohio, and a noteworthy $1 million ticket was sold in Michigan.

Winning Numbers and Prize Breakdown

The winning numbers for the Powerball drawing on September 4, 2024, were 7, 10, 21, 33, 59, and Powerball 20. The Power Play multiplier was 3x, enhancing non-jackpot prizes for lucky ticket holders.

Here’s a snapshot of the prizes won in Ohio:

  • $300 Prize: 14 winners
  • $100 Prize: 13 winners
  • $21 Prize: 375 winners
  • $12 Prize: 3,174 winners
  • $7 Prize: 631 winners
  • $4 Prize: 5,820 winners

In addition to these, one lucky ticket worth $1 million was purchased in Michigan. The next Powerball drawing will offer a cash option of $55.3 million, with the drawing set to take place at 10:59 p.m. on September 7.

Powerball Odds and Recent Winners

The odds of winning the Powerball jackpot are 1 in 292,201,338, slightly better than the Mega Millions odds of 1 in 302,575,350. The odds of winning $1 million in Powerball are 1 in 11,688,053.52. For Ohio players, there have been numerous significant lottery wins in recent months:

2024 Notable Ohio Lottery Winners:

  • Aug. 6: $1 million Mega Millions ticket sold in Mentor
  • July 9: $1 million Mega Millions ticket sold in Springboro
  • July 3: $139.3 million Powerball jackpot won in Huber Heights
  • June 22: $1 million Powerball ticket sold in Akron
  • April 20: $1 million Powerball ticket sold in Cincinnati
  • March 26: $1 million Mega Millions ticket sold in Toledo
  • March 9: $2 million Powerball ticket sold in Columbus
  • Feb. 6: $1 million Mega Millions ticket sold in Ashland

2023 Highlights:

  • Dec. 30: $1 million Powerball ticket sold in Highland Heights
  • Dec. 25: Two $100,000 Powerball prizes sold in Cuyahoga Falls and Wellington
  • Nov. 14: $4 million Mega Millions ticket sold in Swanton
  • Oct. 10: $1 million Powerball ticket sold in Medina
  • April 19: $252.6 million Powerball jackpot won at a GetGo in Summit County


The Powerball jackpot’s ascent to $112 million for the September 7 drawing creates an exciting opportunity for players. With numerous smaller prizes won across Ohio and a notable $1 million ticket sold in Michigan, the anticipation for the next draw is building. As always, the odds are tough, but the potential rewards are substantial. For those ready to try their luck, the next drawing could be your chance to hit it big!

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