Electric shock: What the first thing you do when you get hit Let know everything today

Electric shock: What the first thing you do when you get hit Let know everything today

The Electric Shock Treatment: The highest risk of flooding occurs during the rainy season. You can also get electrocuted due to negligence and the shock can also cause burns to any part of the body. Sometimes an electric shock can be fatal. So today we are going to tell you in this article that what should you do first in case of electrocution or burn

What to do if there is a normal current or shock

If you have an electric current on the skin and there is a burning sensation first of all put a wet cloth in the place of the burning sensation. If blisters have come out because of burning sensation then let them burst. After cleaning pat the area dry. Consult a doctor or specialist if irritation persists.

When to go to the doctor

Sometimes an electric shock can be more dangerous or even fatal. Currents can damage skin muscles blood vessels and nerves. This can cause serious damage to any part of the body. In this case you should immediately consult a doctor.

Beware of this prick

If the injured person is in contact with the current do not touch him.
If the current is high voltage wire or electricity call the local emergency number immediately.
Overhead power lines are usually not insulated so stay at least 50 feet (about 15 meters) away.
Do not move the person who has been electrocuted until he is out of danger.
Do not get close to high-voltage wires until the power is cut.
If the electric wires are touching the vehicle stay inside the vehicle. Do not go out and call the emergency number and ask for help.
Don’t drive on downed power lines.
If there is sparking in the wires then keep a proper distance from them.

When to call emergency number:

Severe burning sensation Difficulty in breathing Heartbeat irregular heartbeat Muscle pain and contraction Fainting

What to do if you need medical help

  • If possible turn off the power supply. Otherwise take the injured person away from that place.
  • If the victim is not breathing is not moving or has no pulse start CPR immediately.
  • Turn off the power switch only from cardboard plastic or dry wood.
  • Protect the injured person from getting cold.
  • Do not remove the clothes of the injured do not clean his burnt place. Cover the burned area with a bandage or clean cloth.
  • Don’t use a blanket or towel.
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Ashok Kumar Gupta
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